Enhance your facial glow with PRF Facial Glow Treatment By Dr Khan’s Beauty Clinic


Healthy and vibrant skin is the secret of being beautiful. Due to age, hormones and other factors, our skin suffers from a lot of issues. We lose our glowing skin and try various harmful ways to get back the glow. Restoring our long-lost glow and radiance is now possible with a natural and safe treatment called PRF Facial Glow treatment.

PRF Facial Glow

Know about PRF Facial Glow Treatment

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is a non-surgical, simple treatment which uses your own blood. PRF contains three to five times more platelets, growth factors and active proteins for tissue and injury healing. It has been used for years to accelerate wound healing and repair tendon.

PRF Facial Glow treatment is an all total solution for a radiant, lustrous skin which can boost your self-confidence and beauty alike.

The Procedure

PRF is made by drawing a small amount of blood. The blood is spun at a lower speed so that the layers of the blood do not separate out as distinctly. This allows some of the white blood cells and stem cells to remain within the platelet layer that is collected for treatment. In addition, the lower spin speed causes less trauma to the individual cells of the blood, allowing more stem cells to remain in the final PRF product.

Once PRF is prepared, it is ready to be injected into your facial areas to treat various signs of aging and skin dullness. When PRF is placed into the skin, it initiates a localized stem cell response. Over the weeks and months following the treatment, this stem cell response increases collagen production and thus damaged skin tissues are replaced with healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated.

Within a few weeks of treatment, an overall improvement in skin hydration, texture and tone can be seen. The effect of PRF treatment can last twelve months to two years, depending to an individual.

PRF Facial Glow

Benefits of PRF Facial Glow Treatment

Looking to address wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, and other signs of aging? PRF injections can help rejuvenate and renew your skin without any harmful effect. The benefits of PRF Facial Glow Treatment have led to a widespread interest in its use for facial refreshment and rejuvenation purposes. PRF can address multiple skin problems in just one treatment. Some benefits of PRF treatment include:

  •   Tightened skin
  •   Vibrant, younger looking skin
  •    Elimination of wrinkles and facial folds
  •    Effective treatment for acne scars
  •    Improvement of skin texture and tone
  •    Possession of healthier and natural-looking skin without any risk

Get best PRF Facial Glow Treatment

Enjoy the best ever PRF Facial Glow Treatment with fruitful results from London’s most reliable aesthetic centre, Dr Khan’s Beauty Clinic. We provide effective service and our packages will fit in your budget. Don’t waste your time and book an appointment today because your beauty can’t wait. Contact us for more details.







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