The latest minimally invasive facial rejuvenation treatment for young – PRF Facelift

Younger people are not looking for instant solution where as they are more interested in natural looking alternatives and progressive maintenance. The best facelift candidate have a realistic expectations. Face-lifting is ideal for those who want to tighten loose and sagging skin of face and neck. A facelift involves procedure to look like a natural, younger and more attractive. Facelift includes dramatically change in appearance – i.e. eyelid lift, cheek and jawline lifting as well as neck lifts. Patients who want to avoid constant cosmetic maintenance and delay the progression of facial aging here is a non-surgical procedure available that uses plasma taken from your own blood. PRF Facelift is a procedure that involves injecting PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) into the tissue around the face, neck and other areas. This plasma is obtained from patient’s own blood thereby completely natural. Then it is placed in a centrifuge and there the spinning of the sample allows to obtain the pl...