
Showing posts with the label pdot

PDO Threads – A new craze to contour Neck and Jawline

Jawline is one of the most visible parts of the face, so it's important to make sure that it looks good. Jawline contouring is a great way to add volume and definition to face. Jawline contouring is popular among men and women who want to enhance their facial features. It can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin that can occur due to aging, sun exposure, genetics, or lifestyle factors . Jawline contouring give an aesthetically pleasing facial shape, improve profile, and even reduce the appearance of wrinkles or jowls. Jawline contouring is done in various way and injectable. Among them PDO jawline contouring is a minimally invasive procedure that can be completed within 45 minutes without the need for surgery.  PDO thread lift is mostly done for fixing sagging skin at neck or jawline and give it a more youthful, tighter look. If you are someone who desires to have a more defined and chiseled jawline , PDO jawline contouring, is a great way to add some s...